[We thank Ms Blumenthal and the Editor of MUFON UFO JOURNAL,
Dennis Stacy, for their permission to reprint
this article, which originally
appeared in
The following paper will address the genetic problems of an alien people called the "Greys."
It is not a paper comparing human children to extraterrestrials. Even though it is highly speculative in nature, apparently no one in the medical field has considered the possibility that the entities commonly referred to as Greys are afflicted with the rare disease progeria. It may also explain why hybridization is occurring between Homo Sapiens and the aliens or entities.
Among humans, Hutchinson-Gilford Syndrome, often called "Progeria," has a very low incidence. On Earth it occurs about once in about every four to eight million births. Very little is known about what causes progeria, but it is thought to be a genetic disease, the result of a spontaneous mutation in the sperm or egg. (4) There is no effective treatment or cure. Life spans vary. Death typically occurs in the early teens, usually from complications of hardening of the arteries, resulting in coronary disease or strokes, although one individual in Japan lived to be forty-five. (4,5,9,10) Progeria occurs in all races of Man. Patient,(left), displaying symtoms of Hutchinson-Gilford Syndrome. The word "progeria" means "before old age". It is a disease which appears to cause premature ageing in young people, and was first identified in 1886 by two physicians by the names of Hutchinson and Gilford. (28)
There is more than one disease among human beings which feature alterations resembling premature ageing among the very young. (15,27) While Hutchinson-Gilford Syndrome may show signs of onset in children as early as one or two years of age, WernerÆs Syndrome has a later onset in which individuals begin to age prematurely in their early teens. (4) CockayneÆs Syndrome can also appear to cause premature ageing in young children. (14,15,16) However, this paper will concern itself only with the Hutchinson-Gilford Syndrome, because of its unique symptoms. Unlike the other two premature ageing diseases mentioned, Hutchinson-Gilford Syndrome is not just a disease which appears to cause premature ageing, that is, there are other symptoms present which are not found in the other two mentioned diseases, such as the very short stature, the baldness in both boys and girls, the large cranium, etc. (4,5,9,10,15)
Many of the symptoms of progeria seemingly occur among a race of reported "aliens", namely those humanoids referred to as the "Greys." Greys are most often reported to abduct humans (1,2,3,17,22,25), but also surface in reports of bodies associated with UFO crashes.(6,7,11,21) Most UFO abductees, without realizing it, report physical symptoms of progeria among these aliens. This is very interesting, considering that the majority of UFO abductees are not paediatricians specialising in progeria, and it is even more interesting, considering that most doctors rarely ever see progeria patients in their careers.
The following is a comparison of the physical traits Greys and humans with Hutchinson-Gilford Syndrome may have in common:
1. Severely retarded growth. Most children with Hutchinson-Gilford Syndrome never exceed the height of the average five-year-old and seldom weigh more than 25 - 40 pounds, even as teenagers. (4,5,9,10,14,15,16) Human beings with progeria stop growing at a normal rate around age one, and then the growth rate slows. Although children with progeria rarely live beyond their teens, one gentleman with Hutchinson-Gilford Syndrome lived to be 45 years. (5) and a young woman lived to be 29. (23) The man was four feet, four inches tall and weighed 54 pounds. (5) The young woman was about four feet tall and weighed about 40 pounds.(23) A 16-year-old progeria boy weighed 41 pounds and was four feet tall.(18) A 16-year-old progeria girl was three feet-eleven and weighed 35 pounds. (19) The heights and weights of these young adults were comparable to the heights and weights of the Greys, as reported. (2,6,11,22) An Australian girl, Becky Coss, recently celebrated her 15th birthday, making her the oldest girl in the world with progeria. The disease is so rare that in all the world there are only 17 known living victims, according to Bill Sample, president of the non-profit Sunshine Foundation, which sends terminally ill children and their parents on vacation.
Most Greys are between three-and-a-half and four-and-a-half feet tall. Their average weight is reported to be about 40 pounds.(6) A hybrid child of Grey ancestry was reported by one UFO abductee to be, at age five, three feet tall and weighing about 25 pounds. (2) This childÆs height was comparable to that of a progeria child at age four-and-a-half who was 80 cms tall or two feet seven and a half inches tall. (15) From some UFO abductee reports, hybrid children seem to follow the growth curves of their Grey parent rather than their human parent. If one takes into account that the average human progeria child is between two-and-a-half feet and three feet tall at age five and three and a half feet to four feet tall in the teen years, then the hybrid child follows the growth curves of the alien parent. It seems that the Grey parent follows the growth curve of a progeria child.
A progeria child is usually of normal weight for a newborn, but after one or two years the childÆs growth rate decreases considerably, averaging less than half of a healthy child. Hybrid children are reported to be very small at birth (2,3), much smaller than newborn progeria children which suggests that growth retardation in the hybrid child begins much earlier than in the human progeria child, instead of during the second year of life. (10) This suggest that the growth retardation in the hybrid seems to start during the gestation period before birth.
2. Most children with progeria are very slight in build with thin arms and legs. (4,9,10,16) The same holds true with most Greys, who are often reported as having very thin limbs. (3,6) Abductee Steven Kilburn, when describing the legs of one of the Greys, is quoted as saying "...Skinny ankles, legs. Really skinny. Not bony, nothing like that, but heÆs so little."(3) Another abductee describes the Grey alienÆs physique in the following way: "...so small, thin, bones... the thinness of them!"
3. In progeria children the long bones are decalcified and thin. (10) Abductee Steven Kilburn, during hypnosis, said "Their thin bones were covered with white, marshmallowy-looking flesh." Notice the phrase, "thin bones."(3) There is one report of soft skull bones of a Grey during an alleged autopsy. (11)
4. Children with progeria almost always have diminished subcutaneous fat. An abductee hypnotised by Leo Sprinkle said, "I remember seeing them naked, waist up, thin, ribs, clavicles .... The thinness of them...." Her description of the Greys she saw suggests that they too have diminished subcutaneous fat.
5. Baldness, children with progeria, both male and female, often have sparse body hair and are bald. Eyebrows and eylashes are often absent. (4,5,9,10,14,15,23) This also holds true for the Greys who are always reported as being bald, lacking eyebrows and eyelashes, and having no body hair. (2,3,6,7,8,11,17,22,26)
6. Most children with progeria fail to reach puberty. (4) In the 45-year-old man
the genitalia appeared underdeveloped and pubic hair was absent. The 45-year-old
man had some sexual function, but in most cases of progeria sexual maturation does
not occur. (5)
In most Greys, lack of genitalia or even gender is often reported
by UFO abductees or in UFO crash reports. (11,22) However, a female was purported
to be discovered in a 1953 UFO crash in Kingman, Arizona. (5,7) She was reported
to have breasts and had obviously passed puberty. This report has not been
substantiated. Most Greys do not apparently develop sexually. (7,22) In the
book, Matrix II, it is stated that only about one out of a hundred or a thousand female Greys are capable of conceiving children. (30) This may sound
like hearsay and unreliable information, but it is interesting in that only one or
two individuals out of 110 recorded progeria cases have reached puberty. (5,23)
This low incidence of puberty among humans with progeria matches what was said
in Matrix II. One might be tempted to say that individuals with progeria do not reach puberty because they do not live to adolescence. Most children with
progeria do live through the early to mid-teens (10), the average age for the
onset of puberty, yet they still do not attain puberty, with only one or two rare
exceptions. (5,23)
7. Most children with progeria have relatively large crania. The head is almost always large relative to the face. (4,15) The disproportionately large head in Greys is always reported by UFO abductees, as well as the small facial features below the eyes. (1,2,3,6,7,8,11,17,20,21,22,25,26)
8. Many progeria children have very thin lips. (15) The lips are absent altogether in the Greys. (6,7)
9. Most progeria children have very small earlobes and sometimes the earlobes are absent. (4,15) In Greys, the external ears are almost always absent.(6,7)
10. Most children with progeria have very narrow noses. (4,15) The noses of most Greys are either very small or absent, having only nostrils. (2,6,7,22)
11. Most progeria children have re-absorption of the terminal finger bones (acroosteolysis). (4,15,16) The third and fourth digits of the Greys are much smaller than the others and the thumb is reported as being absent altogether. Could this be due to bone re-absorption? (6.7.30)
12. Dystrophic nails are frequently seen on fingers of progeria children. (16) Absence of fingernails are frequently noted in some Greys. (6,7)
13. Progeria children have very high metabolisms. (29) There is also a report by Paul Bennewitz (30) suggesting that the Greys, too, are hypermetabolic. Matrix II states: "Their (the Greys') body metabolism is very high, estimated at 110 or 115 degrees." (30)
14. The I.Q. of progeria children is often above normal. The average being 107 (100- average), but one patient tested 187 which is well above what one would consider genius level. (9) The average I.Q. among the Greys is unknown, although they seem to come from a very advanced technology. One report claimed that the GreysÆ average I.Q. was above 200. (8) The brains and eyes of the Greys are proportionately larger than those of human progeria children, comparable to a five-month-old foetus. (7) This may be due to evolution. The eyes of the Greys may be large because the eyes are part of the brain in embryonic development. Although progeria childrenÆs eyes are relatively smaller than the eyes of Greys, the eyes are often prominent. (4,9,10,15,27)
15. In progeria children, there is progressive wasting of the skin. The skin becomes dry and wrinkled. (15 It is not uncommon for some abductees to report some of their Grey captors as being "mottled" or "wrinkled". (2,17) (See Fig.3).
16. Most progeria children have small and receding chins. (4,5,15) The chins of most Greys are described as being very small. (22)
17. The dentition of progeria children is often delayed in eruption. (16) Most Greys reported do not appear to have teeth at all, and the entire mouth is atrophied or vestigial. (7,22)
18. Many progeria children have congestive heart failure. (4,5,9,10,15) Shortness of breath is a symptom of congestive heart failure common in progeria. (5) There was one report of a Grey having difficulty breathing. (2) If it was due to the EarthÆs atmosphere, then how did the other members of his species adapt to our atmosphere and could breath with ease, while he could not? Some humans can breathe our atmosphere with ease, whereas other humans cannot due to respiratory or congestive heart failure. Was this Grey experiencing congestive heart failure if he had a circulatory system similar to our own?
19. Difficulty walking. Some individuals with progeria have difficulty walking because of stiffness of joints or bad hips. The 45-year-old man with progeria had difficulty walking because of ankylosing knee joints. (5)
"Typical" aliens as reported by Budd Hopkins
in Intruders. The Face here
was reportedly seen
on several occasions by Debbie Jordon.
Not all Greys have difficulty walking, however. In the book Missing Time.
(3) abductee Steven Kilburn said under hypnosis, when he was describing the gait of
one of the Greys, that "when he walked, it was almost like he had two really bad knees.
He was hobbling almost... shifting his weight to the left and right....And he drags
his feet a little bit...." It is interesting to note that a "widebased shuffling gait"
is almost always seen in progeria children. (15)
The figure here was drawn by artist
"Rosemary", following a 1972
NY abduction.
Note mottled skin.
In Matrix II(30) there is also a report suggesting that some
Greys have difficulty walking. Paul Bennewitz stated in a letter:
"Many in this culture (Grey culture) walk with a limp or shuffle their feet."
Note the word "shuffle."
The UFO abductee who was hypnotized by Dr. Sprinkle
not only described her Grey abductorsÆ thin bones, but also described their gait:
"They shuffle, drag their feet." (20) Again, notice that she used the word "shuffle." It is worth noting the the Neilson Handbook of Paediatrics also uses the
phrase "widebased shuffling gait" when describing the gait of children with
progeria. (15)
Many progeria children have a condition called "coxavalga," a condition of the hip
sockets which may affect their gait. (5,15) Were the two abductees above describing
coxavalga when they were describing the shuffling gait of one of their Grey captors?
20. Human beings with progeria frequently have thin and high-pitched voices. (15) It may or may not be a coincidence that the vocal cords in the Greys are nonfunctional or vestigial. (7,22) What made their vocal cords vestigial in the first place? Could the circumstances have contributed to their alleged telepathic abilities?
21. There are significant differences between Greys and humans with progeria.
As mentioned earlier, the brains and eyes of humans with progeria are proportionately
smaller than the brains and eyes of Greys.
In children with progeria, there are short, dystrophic clavicles, short
fingertips. Progeria children have noses and external ears.
Greys reportedly have proportionately longer arms and fingers,
atrophy of the fourth and fifth digits, usually absence of toes (7) and oriental
But in spite of all these differences, among themselves, all humans
with progeria look almost like clones, (4,5,15,23) regardless of their race or
Among themselves, all Greys resemble each other, too, so much so that they also look
like clones. (6,7) It would be expected that progeria might show slight variations
in its symptoms in two different species. Perhaps the Greys, not all of them, may
not be clones at all, but still resemble each other because of their progeria? A
lot of Greys may have to resort to cloning, since they are apparently incapable of
reproducing in other ways. But not all Greys may be true clones. They may just
resemble each other very strongly because of the way progeria manifests itself.
Most people with progeria very strongly resemble each other, almost to the point
of looking like identical twins, even though they are not related to each other.
Drawing based on alleged alien hand as supplied
by Leonard Stringfield (1) and Interpreted by Artist Al Reed (2,3).
From Stringfield's UFO Crash/Retrievals: Amassing the Evidence,
Status Report III.
The bone structure is based on the dimensions
of an enlarged drawing in report #2 but with fingers spread to compare
with drawing of human bones.
(Also reversed to right hand for same reference as human drawing).
22.Although this disorder has many features that resemble premature ageing,
it also possesses many features that are not usually seen with normal ageing.
One feature that is found in progeria in human children that is not found in normal
ageing is the dystrophic clavicles. (27) From most UFO reports, there is not much
evidence that the Greys have dystrophic clavicles, but there is supporting evidence,
albeit circumstantial, that the Greys have other bony defects such as the absence of
nasal bones, the hypoplastic fourth and fifth digits on the hands, the absence of
thumbs, and the absence of toes. (6,7) Also, what both humans with progeria and Greys
have that is not found in senesence are the brain changes that are associated with
ageing. (4,6,7,15) Most UFO abduction reports, if not all, show no evidence that
the Greys are suffering from dementia. (2,3,22)
There are rumours that a live alien died of unknown causes" in captivity on June 18, 1952, at an age that was relatively young for his race. (20,21) There are also rumours that a live alien was taken from a UFO crash near Roswell. This is not in reference to Gerald AndersonÆs live alien, but rather to the capture of a live alien as told to Sheriff WilcoxÆs granddaughter by Mrs. Wilcox. (11) The EBE (Extraterrestrial Biological Entity) was allegedly a UFO crash survivor. If the rumour is true, then what did the EBE die of? According to the rumours (reference), the EBE was a Grey (8,21). If the story is true that a Grey died of " unknown causes" in mid-1952 (20,21) then somebody died, who had most, if not all, the physical traits of progeria. Did the EBE die of some exotic extraterrestrial disease or did he die of Hutchinson -Gilford Progeria Syndrome, a disease so rare on Earth that the Air Force doctors failed to diagnose it? Progeria is not easily diagnosed today, much less so in 1952. In 1952, this disease did not receive as much publicity as it does today, and fewer doctors were familiar with it, especially Air Force doctors not specialising in paediatrics or rare genetic diseases. if the EBE had this disease, had it gotten out of control during the last year of its life?
The symptoms of progeria seem to be exaggerated in the Greys (see previous list of symptoms), suggesting that Greys have a much more severe form of the disease. They have obviously found a way to treat it, because some of them grow up to be pilots and scientists and live beyond childhood, but how can they control a disease which is always progressive and always fatal in human children? Are all Greys healthy? If the Greys have progeria, can all Greys control their disease? Most reports from UFO abductees suggest that the Greys have an advanced medical technology. Can this advanced medical technology help all the Greys control their progeria if they have this disease? If they cannot cure it, can they stop its progression? We do not know if most Greys are healthy or not. But there is at least one report by abductee "Lucille" that all is not going well. (2) Lucille said that this alien society seemed to be "millions of years old." She sensed that "the society was dying, that children were being born and living to a certain age, perhaps pre-adolescence, and then dying." She said there was a "desperate need to survive, to continue their race.... Something had gone wrong genetically." (2) Most individuals with progeria die in their early teens or younger. Were the children that Lucille was referring to dying of progeria? Her abductors were the Greys. (2) Another reference says that the Greys "face extinction from incurable genetic diseases." (30) * Matrix II by Valdamar Valerian (a pseudonym) is compiled of material from many different sources, varying wildly in terms of place, time and credibility. The scientific reliability of the information is questionable, therefore, throughout this article the explanation "rumoured" is attached as it relates to Matrix II sources, (It is copyrighted by Nevada Aerial Research.)
The Greys are reported to be clones. (6.7) As mentioned above, Greys may appear to look like clones if they have progeria. The disease is such that most people with progeria very strongly resemble each other, as if they were twins, or at least came from within the same family. But a Grey with progeria is sterile, so he might have to resort to cloning if he wants to reproduce. If most Greys are products of clones, there could be other problems. Cloned species have a disadvantage in that the cloning process allows for increased DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) replication failure. Matrix II says: ôIt is thought by man that the Grey DNA structure is so degraded that the species is functioning in more of an RNA (ribonucleic acid) basis. With RNA replication there is no cross-checking capability during cell reproduction.ö (30) This reference assumes that the Greys have DNA. Since the Greys are humanoid in appearance and are apparently complicated organisms, there is no reason to assume that they do not have DNA, which is located in the chromosomes inside the cell nuclei. These are the genes that are responsible for making amino- acids, which are the building blocks of protein. (12,13) All organisms on Earth are made up of long chains of amino-acids strung together, which are the proteins. Amino-acids are naturally occurring compounds that have even been found in meteorites, which are indeed extraterrestrial. Amino-acids are made up of four elements: oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, and hydrogen. These four elements are common throughout our solar system, and there is no reason to believe that they do not exist elsewhere in the Universe.
The DNA acts like a template, making another compound called RNA,similar to DNA. The RNA, in turn, acts as a template for making amino-acids, which are the building blocks of proteins. (12,13) When DNA does not replicate properly, it means that one or more of the DNA bases changes, or mutates. These mutations or changes in DNA bases can be caused by radiation or toxic substances, viruses, or any other thing that can cause damage of the DNA molecule. (24) If even one of the bases of the DNA molecule is changed, even slightly, it makes a different RNA. The mutated RNA, in turn programmes the wrong protein. The effects can be lethal or result in a serious disease. One example of this is sickle cell anaemia. Progeria itself is thought to be a sporadic mutation in one or several genes. (4) That the Greys may have difficulty with DNA replication is suggested by the following quote from Matrix II: ôFor the Greys, the main motivation for the genetic work with humans is the survival of the Grey species, which is genetically damaged. The Grey clones are abducting human females... and using them for cross-breeding in order to produce a new hybrid species that does not have the inherent genetic weaknesses of the Grey species.ö(30)
The skin fibroblasts (those cells which give rise to connective tissue) of a young French boy with progeria have been examined and found to have reduced levels of ômessengerö RNA. Even reduced levels of RNA, however, indicate the presence of DNA, at least in humans. Examining the skin fibroblasts of Greys for reduced messenger RNA might give us a similar comparison ratio in terms of diagnosing progeria. Presumably, they could be directly tested to DNA, too. Unfortunately, there are no living specimens ù or Grey cadavers ù readily available for us to examine.
Children with progeria also have abnormally high levels of hyaluronic acid (a viscous mucopoly-saccharide acid). (4) The high levels of hyaluronic acid in the tissues or urine can be used as a marker for the diagnosis of progeria. (4) It is not known whether Greys urinate. There is not much evidence to support this, but it should still be possible to show the presence or absence of hyaluronic acid in tissue studies from Grey cadavers. If the hyaluronic acid level is high, it might be additional evidence that the Greys have progeria.
In humans, hyaluronic acid is present in the vitreous humour of the eyeball, the testes, and the umbilical cord jelly. It is present in other organs, too, but these are the organs that are most often removed in cattle mutilations. (20) Are the Greys using hyaluronic acid from these organs to make a template for an antihyaluronic antibody serum? Such a serum, if injected periodically, might keep hyaluronic acid from reaching dangerous levels. This would be analogous to a diabetic taking insulin every day to keep blood sugar from reaching dangerous levels.
If Greys have progeria, then there is a very serious situation out there. An entire civilisation may be threatened with extinction because their children and young people are dying. A possible reason why progeria may be so widespread among Greys and not among humans is probably because the Greys have been around much longer than humans and the DNA replication is probably deteriorating, making room for genetic mutations and serious genetic diseases that resemble premature ageing such as Hutchinson-Gilford Syndrome. One reason why they may want to hybridize with Homo sapiens is to add healthier DNA to their gene pool and to weed out the progeria gene. They may have a long way to go, because the progeria trait is probably dominant and not due to a recessive gene. (4) Half of all offspring born to a parent with progeria will have progeria. On Earth, most humans with progeria are sterile, but among Greys, this problem of sterility is probably bypassed by cloning and in vitro hybridization. But if the Greys clone themselves, it will only further propagate the progeria gene. What this means is that if a Grey with progeria clones itself, its clones will also have the same genes as the ôparent.ö
The next logical step would be to hybridize to weed out the progeria gene. The Greys would need to hybridize with a species genetically related enough to themselves in order to produce offspring. It is speculated that the Greys might be sterile and cannot produce eggs or sperm, therefore it is suggested that they might use other cells from their bodies to fertilise the human egg. Some hybrid children seem to have symptoms of progeria. (2,17,22) However, if the hybrid children are heterozygous as opposed to homogygous, they may have a milder form of progeria and their disease may be better controlled than that of a full-blooded Grey. Evidence that some hybrid children have progeria comes from several reports by UFO abductees, who have claimed to have seen hybrid children. Kathie Davis, in the book Intruders, told Budd Hopkins: ôSheÆs tiny. Thin, White hair... not a whole lot of it.ö Kathie later tells Budd that ôthe hair was sparse and ... that patches of scalp were here and there. She has really tiny, little tiny ears, but theyÆre lower on the head than they should be...Forehead is a little big...ö
Note that these are all symptoms of Hutchinson-Gilford Syndrome. Another abductee
who saw a hybrid has said: ôThey look kind of old.ö (22) Another abductee who also
saw hybrid children said that they looked very ill, as if they were dying. (17)
This last abductee was on television when she made this statement and appeared
somewhat emotional. Have all these UFO abductees seen children with progeria?
If the Greys have progeria, then the incidence among ôaliensö is much higher than it
is among humans. In the United States, a population of well over 200 million, only
about ten children presently living have progeria. (28) By contrast, according to
the controversial Roper Poll, almost four million Americans alone may have had an
abduction experience, or something perceived as same. Most abductors are of the
Grey race and described as ôprogeroidö in appearance. We have no way of knowing
how many Greys have participated in how many abductions, but it certainly seems
safe to say, if these numbers are to be believed, that the total must be several
thousand, if not hundreds of thousands. If Greys do suffer from premature ageing,
then we will have to change our views on progeria to include the following:
* Progeria is not as rare a disease as previously thought.
* Progeria and the Greys are not mutually exclusive.
* Progeria is probably a universal disease, existing on other worlds, if the
Greys are indeed extraterrestrial biological entities.
Undoubtedly, these conclusions can be disturbing if they turn out to be true. But it is better to face the truth rather than to run away from it. To my knowledge, the issue of progeria has never been addressed in the field of ufology, therefore this article has been submitted as an alternative proposal for the consideration of people in the medical discipline.
(1) ôOprah Winfrey Showö (UFO abductions,) May 27, 1987
(2) Hopkins, Budd, Intruders p.190
(3) Hopkins, Budd Missing Time, p.59, soft cover edition.
(4) Brown, W. Ted, et.al. ôProgeria. A Model Disease for the Study of Accelerated
Ageing.ö Molecular Biology of Ageing, Plenum Publishing Corporation,
(5) Ogihara, T., et al, ôHutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome in a 45-year-old man,ö
American Journal of Medicine, Vol. 81, p.135
(6) Stringfield, Leonard H. Retrievals of the Third Kind, MUFON
Symposium Proceedings, 1978
(7) Stringfield, Leonard H. The UFO Crash/Retrieval Syndrome Status
Report II, New Sources, New Data, published by MUFON, 1980
(8) ôUFO Cover-up Liveö TV Show, October, 1988
(9) Parker, Ken. What Exactly is Progeria? 1984 (Pamphlet published
by the Sunshine Foundation).
(10) Hutchinson-Gilford Syndrome. National organisation for Rare
Disorders, Inc. (pamphlet).
(11) ôRecollections of Roswell, Part IIö (Video tape).
(12) Zubay, Geoffrey, Biochemistry 2nd Edition
(13) Hawk, HawkÆs Physiological Chemistry. McGraw Hill Book
Co. (1965)
(14) Tunnessen, Walter W., Jr. M.D. Signs and Symptoms in Paediatrics
2nd Edition
(15) Neilson Handbook of Paediatrics, 13th Edition, pp 1485- 1486
(16) Rallison, Martin L. Growth Disorders in Infants, Children and
(17) ôJane Whitney Show,ö December 12, 1992 (UFO abductions).
(18) ôWho I Really Am,ö Life magazine, October, 1989
(19) ôSally Jessey Rapheal Showö February 3, 1988
(20) Howe, Linda M. An Alien Harvest, 1989.
(21) Clark, Jerome, ôUFO Crashes.ö Four-part article in FATE Magazine,
Jan-Apr 1988.
(22) Jacobs, David M. Secret Life: Firsthand Accounts of UFO
Abductions, Simon and Schuster, 1992.
(23) Tracey, N.M. ôThe Courage of Meg Casey.ö ReaderÆs Digest
124: 81-5 January 1984.
(24) Lea, D.E. Actions of Radiation on Living Cells Second Edition,
Cambridge University Press, 1962.
(25) ôGeraldo Rivera Showö (Travis Walton abduction), March 26, 1993.
(26) Randle, Kevin D. and Schmitt, Donald R. UFO Crash at Roswell,
Avon Books, 1991.
(27) Handbook of Diseases of Ageing, Edited by Herman T.
Blumenthal, Ph.D., M.D., Nostrand Reinhold Company, Inc., 1983.
(28) ôThe Phil Donahue Showö (progeria), March 7, 1990.
(29) ôJoan Rivers Show,ö June 18, 1990.
(30) Valerian, Valdamar (pseudonym), Matrix II, Arcturus Press, 1990.
(31) Colige, A., et al.öAbnormal Gene Expression in Skin Fibroblasts from a
Hutchinson-Gilford Patientö, Vol.64,p.799, 1991.